Green Cooling Initiative II

The refrigeration and air conditioning sector has been given little consideration as a source of greenhouse gases (GHG), although it continues to gain in importance due to the increasing demand for cooling. The project supported the reduction of GHGs emitted by the refrigeration and air conditioning sector in the partner countries. To this end, it improved the international positioning of environmentally-appropriate and climate-friendly cooling technologies by introducing the topic into global climate and ozone debates. The expansion of networks with representatives from politics, industry and science enabled the dissemination of climate-friendly cooling technologies, and policy advice based on “Technology Roadmaps” supported the partner countries in implementing modern cooling technology standards. In addition, voluntary contributions from the private sector raised the level of willingness to transform and promote Public-Private Partnerships, and partnerships with financing institutions promoted replicable financing models and instruments.

Project data

Ghana, Kenya, Seychelles
IKI funding
4,900,000.00 €
05/2017 till 04/2022
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) - Ghana
  • Ministry of Environment and Energy - Seychelles
  • Ministry of Environment and Forestry - Kenya
Implementing Partner
  • Bandung State Polytechnic - Indonesia
  • Environmental Protection Agency - Ghana
  • Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Regional Development Authorities - Kenya
  • Ministry of Environment and Energy - Seychelles
  • Nairobi Technical Training Institute - Kenya
  • Refrigeration Centre of Excellence - Ghana
  • Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) Centro de Electricidad, Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones - Colombia
  • Seychelles Institute of Technology (SIT)
  • Technical University of Mombasa - Kenya

State of implementation/results

  • Project completed.
  • Together with the SolarChill IKI project, the project presented at two WHO workshops (PQS working group and equipment manufacturers) on green vaccine refrigeration.
  • Greenhouse gas inventories for the refrigeration sector were prepared or revised and published for Kenya, Ghana and Seychelles.
  • In December 2021, a technical manual on the construction of a climate-friendly fish cold storage facility (solar-powered, natural refrigerants) in Kenya was published. (…)
  • In autumn 2021, several publications were published on the link between the Montreal Protocol and the National Climate Targets (NDCs):
  • As part of the activities in the Green Cooling Network, the project published the interview format "Cool Talk".
  • Since July 2020, virtual side events have been conducted as part of the Montreal Protocol's virtual Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) and Meeting of the Parties of the Montreal Protocol (MOP), here a selection:
    • MOP33 side event: How to Incentivize the HFC Phase-Down?
    • MOP33 side event: How to Integrate the RAC Sector into the NDCs
    • Lessons learned and bright prospects - Green Cooling projects in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa (…)
    • Left out in the cold - the Green Cooling potential of the global window type air conditioner market (…)
  • In May 2021, a 3-day conference, the "Green Cooling Summit", was held place in cooperation with the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The conference covered the accelerated F-gas phase out with a welcoming addresses by Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze, UBA President Dirk Messner and GIZ Board Spokesperson Tanja Gönner.
  • A series of interviews on the qualification, certification and registration of refrigeration technicians in Kenya was produced in July 2020. (…)
  • The Green Cooling Initiative homepage was relaunched in summer 2020 and (see link in project box) offers user-friendly and up-to-date information and scenarios on HFC phase-out and the RAC sector in general. Publications developed by the project, recorded webinars and information on events are available here. The Green Cooling Network and best practices developed by its members are also presented.

Latest Update:


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  • Country selection

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