Land- and Seascape Solutions for Indonesia (LASSO)

Inadequate landscape management and unsustainable land use threaten the Indonesias ecosystems. The project mitigates the degradation of land and seascapes in Indonesia, increasing the resilience of ecosystems and thereby promoting climate-resilient livelihoods. National, sub-national and local stakeholders improve spatial and development planning by incorporating principles of green and blue economy. The project promotes sustainable business models, ecotourism as well as integrated waste management, access to sustainable finance and supply chain partnerships. Upscaling will enhance national planning processes and promote a strong interest among farmers—including young people, women and indigenous groups.

Project data

IKI funding
15,000,000.00 €
05/2022 till 12/2028
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • State Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) - Indonesia
Implementing Partner
  • Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation (KEHATI)
  • International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF))*
  • SNV Netherlands Development Organisation - Viet Nam

State of implementation/results


  • In June 2022, the project conducted the first meeting with Bappenas to realign the project concept with the latest policy developments and to get inputs from Bappenas’ different technical directorates on the project concept.
  • The project has conducted project appraisal missions to four areas, in June/July 2022 to Berau, Belitung, and Central Sulawesi, and in January 2023 to Central Java. After completing the appraisal, Bappenas selected Belitung, Central Sulawesi and Central Java as pilot areas for the integrated land-seascape planning. These areas comprise of 8 districts in three provinces.
  • After consultations with Bappenas directorates, the operational project concept (log-frame) integrates blue, green, and brown economy concepts with sustainable development and green economy transformation.
  • In April 2023, Bappenas held consultations with 10 different ministries to get inputs from different perspectives on integrated land and seascape management.
  • The project conducted baseline studies in the three pilot areas to collect information, evidence, and knowledge of the current physical characteristics as well as the socio-economic and vulnerability situation among the project beneficiaries.
  • Further aspects of the surveys included markets and supply chains, assessment of formal and informal skills as well as training needs and an overall assessment of the economic, social and technical drivers of market growth in the pilot regions. The final report was presented to national and sub-national partners in mid-September 2023.
  • The project supported the process of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Update led by Bappenas, particularly the assessment of the marine ecosystem indicators. Collaboration was established between Bappenas and the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries on different parameters that are commonly used to quantify the marine biodiversity management such as coral, seagrass, and coral fish biomass coverage and to identify proxy indicators to measure ocean health or marine biodiversity management.


Latest Update:


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