Monitoring of forest and landscape restoration at national and local levels

The loss of forests and landscapes is progressing inexorably all over the world. The international Bonn Challenge initiative aimed to counteract this through restoration measures. The project developed a monitoring system for these measures within the framework of the Bonn Challenge and made it available to stakeholders. The system for monitoring forest and landscape restoration, designed to be cost-effective and easy to use, was adapted to the conditions in individual partner countries, which then used it independently. The project work encompassed the development of the monitoring system and piloting in Rwanda, Kenya, Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador. An upscaling strategy has also been developed. Key stakeholders at local and national government levels, investors, private enterprises, the research community, non-governmental organisations and other civil society groups all benefited from the results of the project.

Project data

El Salvador, Honduras, Kenya, Nicaragua, Rwanda
IKI funding
5,482,631.00 €
05/2017 till 12/2022
Implementing organisation
World Resources Institute (WRI)
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Energy, Natural Resources, Environment and Mining in Honduras
  • Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (MEW&NR) - Kenya*
  • Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) - El Salvador
  • Ministry of Natural Resources (MINIRENA) - Rwanda
  • Presidency of the Republic of Nicaragua (Presidencia da la Republica de Nicaragua)
Implementing Partner
  • International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) - Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office
  • PRISMA Foundation (Salvadoran Research Program on Development and Environment)

State of implementation/results

  • Launching Resource Watch in spring 2022: WRI, together with more than 30 partners, published a new, preliminary dataset. This shows that billions of trees grow on agricultural land, in urban areas, and outside dense forests in Africa and Latin America. This dataset is available on WRI's Resource Watch platform and will be available on Global Forest Watch by the end of 2022.
  • In early 2022, WRI collaborated with the Instituto de Investigación para el Cambio Climático (ICC) in Guatemala to explore methods that can be paired with WRI's TML data to obtain better estimates of large-scale carbon sequestration by forests. Members of the project team met with the ICC team in early September to discuss preliminary results. The ICC team reported that it has completed field measurements on 41 plots, each subdivided by land use, and is now in the process of generating carbon estimates.
  • Similarly, WRI Climate Focus, an international greenhouse mitigation consulting firm, awarded a grant to identify national restoration commitments and synthesize existing efforts to monitor progress, including indicators for reporting.
  • On June 23, 2022, WRI hosted a launch event for the AURORA web app. Developed by WRI and FAO, the app is a companion to the publication "The Road to Restoration" and helps restoration actors, funders, and other partners plan, implement, and monitor successful FLR projects.

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