Save the Blue Five – Regional approach to protect migratory marine megafauna in the Southeast Pacific Region (SEPR) - Preparation phase

The five species groups whales, dolphins, sharks, sea turtles and manta rays are of outstanding global biodiversity value. They are particularly vulnerable due to their dependence on diverse transboundary habitats. An important way to improve the survival of these species is to develop a transboundary framework for action and to massively promote the implementation of coordinated measures. The project helps to establish a common scientific monitoring system, to coordinate transnational conservation measures, public-private financing mechanisms for the implementation of conservation concepts, and awareness raising. In order to achieve the project goals, the dialogue between the countries and different stakeholders and interest groups is improved and a close cooperation between politics and science is promoted.

Project data

Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru
IKI funding
500,000.00 €
06/2021 till 04/2022
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur (CPPS
  • Permanente Kommission für den Südpazifik)
Implementing Partner
  • Conservation International (CI)
  • MarViva Foundation - Panama

State of implementation/results

  • The preparation phase of the project includes the following topics:
    • Development of a technically sound and politically well-anchored proposal for the whole project.
    • Data collection on regional actors and experts.
    • Evaluation of previous experiences and lessons learnt from the project region via exchange forums, discussion rounds and joint planning workshops.
  • After the preparation phase, a decision is made on further funding by the International Climate Initiative.

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