Filipinos want to boost green energy — but where will they get the cash?

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Solar panels on the roof and coal-fired power plants next door: That's the reality for people living in the picturesque Philippine coastal town of Atimonan. Coal is still the island nation's number one source of electricity. But people there want to consign coal plants to the past and increase the number of solar panels as well as the share of other kinds of renewable energy. That's an expensive prospect. Financing is difficult to secure as green energy projects are usually seen as risky investments. Now a bank in the capital Manila wants to make money available to help turn the tide on the polluting fossil fuel.

A film by Joanna Gottschalk

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06:39 Minutes

Date of publication


Green Banking - Capacity Building for Green Energy and Climate Finance

Global Ideas

Global Ideas
The television reports and documentaries of Deutsche Welle's 'Global Ideas' media project provide people all over the world with information on model projects which implement biodiversity and climate protection. The media project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety through the International Climate Initiative.

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