IKI Media

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Here you will find all media files of the IKI as well as from the IKI projects. You can filter by media format, topic or country. You can also use the search icon to look for all IKI media.



Displaying results 1 to 8 of 8.
  • Video Thumbnail Programa EbA LAC
    Video | 03/2023

    What is ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA)

    The EbA LAC project builds the future together with nature in rural areas of Ecuador, Guatemala, and Costa Rica.

  • Video | 07/2021

    Monitoring of water bodies and associated wildlife in the Selva Maya

    The Project “Support for the monitoring of biodiversity and climate change in the Selva Maya” is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and the Selva Maya Program. This project seeks to transform the monitoring carried out in the Selva Maya into strategic recommendations for decision makers that will allow the conservation, as well as the sustainable development of the Selva Maya Region.

  • Mesoamerica reef
    Video | 07/2021

    Smart Coasts Radio Podcast

    Join us on a journey to the Mesoamerican Reef where coastal communities experience the impacts of climate change and discover the potential of ecosystem-based adaptation

  • Video | 06/2021

    Ecosystem-based Adaptation. Perspectives from Guatemala

    This short film shows different perspectives from Guatemala about what Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) can means. It also explores the main conditions that are relevant for upscaling EbA.

  • Video | 10/2020

    Building alliances for Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in Guatemala

    This short film shows the importance of building alliances for Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in order to upscale nature-based solutions more broadly.

  • EbA in Guatemala
    Video | 03/2020

    Ecosystems-based Adaptation in Guatemala

    Video on Ecosystems-based Adaptation in Guatemala developed as part of the Climate-SDG integration project within the work in Guatemala together with WWF.

  • EbA
    Video | 11/2019

    Creating an enabling environment for upscaling Ecosystem-based adaptation

    This video presents insights from the side-event "Creating an Enabling Environment for Upscaling Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA)", which took place during the Global Soil Week 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya.

  • Video | 01/2017

    Putting people before palm oil in Guatemala

    The word Guatemala means "place of many trees" in Mayan. But oil palms and cornfields now blanket the land once covered in forest. Some are hoping to change that by protecting woodland and local livelihoods.

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