Energy Efficient Cooling

The building cooling sector in India mainly uses decentralised individual systems that have high levels of energy consumption and use climate-damaging refrigerants. The government, working together with industry, civil society institutions and research institutes, has therefore drawn up an India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP) aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Implementation of the ICAP will require conversion to more energy-efficient central systems that use natural refrigerants. A strategic roadmap for the further dissemination of these technologies will be drawn up during the first phase of the project. Business models and framework conditions for their implementation will also be developed in parallel procedures. The second project phase helps the project partners with their applications for international funding. Thanks to the massive potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the country, the project will contribute much to the achievement of India’s NDCs – and its integrative approach can be transferred to many countries and regions.

Project data

IKI funding
5,000,000.00 €
07/2019 till 12/2025
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) - India
  • Ministry of Power - India
Implementing Partner
  • Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) - India

State of implementation/results

  • Establishment of a technical committee on energy-efficient central building cooling under the auspices of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and development of a comprehensive manual with implementation guidelines on energy-efficient central building cooling systems.
  • Publication and support of several reports, such as a study by the Indo-German Energy Forum "Demand Shift Potential for India's Cooling Sector".…
  • The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has increasingly addressed the issue of energy-efficient district cooling systems. In the year of India's G-20 presidency in 2023, energy-efficient district cooling systems will be an important topic. During the 2nd Energy Transition Working Group, there were several side events on cooling and building cooling.
  • Publication of a comprehensive manual with implementation guidelines on energy-efficient central building cooling system issues in India.
  • Side events on the topics of cooling and building cooling. The "District Cooling Guidelines" were presented at a G20 side event in Goa.
  • International conference on district cooling with over 200 participants from eight countries on 31 October and 1 November 2023 in Goa.
  • Organisation of a one-day workshop on district cooling technology with more than 80 participants on 19 December 2023 as part of India's Energy Saving Week.
  • Publication of two information videos on district cooling technologies for the public.
  • Start of collaboration with UNEP to establish a knowledge/competence centre for district cooling in India.
  • Signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Tabreed India to accelerate the promotion of district cooling systems in India.

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