
IKI evaluations promote transparency and shared learning

The IKI has published the evaluation results for 25 projects from the third IKI evaluation cycle.

External appraisers have evaluated 25 IKI projects as part of the third IKI evaluation cycle. The evaluation covers projects that concluded in 2020. The short completion reviews focused on the criteria of effectiveness, impact and sustainability published by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) at the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) as well as lessons learned from project results. Data was collected using document analysis, and supplemented by interviews with representatives of the implementing organisations, partner organisations and target groups.

Good evaluation results and recommendations for action

The main report on the completion reviews awards an overall good to very good rating for the IKI projects assessed. Average effectiveness for the projects is very high and there are very good prospects for these projects helping to create a lasting impact. Good prospects for project result sustainability are also readily identifiable.

The analyses also reveal areas of potential improvement for the IKI, and recommend actions to take to make the subsidy scheme even more impactful and sustainable.

By their nature, evaluations are important tools for reporting, project management and learning processes within the IKI, while supporting its continued strategic development.

Over the next few years, more projects will be evaluated as part of the third IKI evaluation cycle. Further reports will be published to account for annual increases in the volume of completion reviews.

Independence and transparency

The external implementation of the evaluation from the third IKI evaluation cycle represents an effort to maximise independence in project assessment work. Due diligence was conducted to ensure that the appraisers had not been involved in the planning or implementation of the project(s) being evaluated. 

As a funding programme supported by the German Government, the IKI’s publication of its evaluation results ensures transparent reporting for both the Bundestag and the general public. Publication also ensures lessons learned are shared with project planners as well as implementing organisations. 

The completion review reports for the individual projects are published on the respective IKI project pages and can be accessed by using the project search.

All reports at a glance

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