Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) Programme

The aim of the programme was to build and strengthen capacities in participating countries in order to advance climate action. Since its inception in 2011, the programme focused specifically on strengthening greenhouse gas inventory systems for more accurate and transparent climate data, the development of NAMAs and LEDS, and development and implementation of sectoral mitigation activities in select private and public spheres. To this end, customised advisory services were agreed upon and complemented with global and regional networking and advisory options, technical workshops and trainings. Shared challenges were discussed at global conferences and integrated into specialist publications. In response to emerging needs of the partner countries, programme pathways and institutional arrangements were used to support the development of INDC submissions in the lead up to the 2015 Paris Accord and subsequently in the planning for implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Project data

Argentina, Bhutan, Chile, China, Colombia, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Morocco, Peru, Philippines, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Viet Nam, Zambia
IKI funding
10,000,000.00 €
01/2011 till 12/2018
Implementing organisation
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Political Partner
  • Diverse climate change relevant institutions in the respective partner countries/Diverse klimarelevante Institutionen in den entsprechenden Partnerländern

State of implementation/results

  • Project completed.
  • 15 Global and Regional (I)NDC dialogues and conferences, convening over 1,500 government officials from 150 developing countries.
  • 9 thematic meetings hosted convening over 520 participants from government, private sector, academia and civil society to engage and learn about climate action.
  • 26 INDCs prepared and submitted. (Implementation planning is further supported through the NDC Support Programme.
  • 65 NAMAs developed - 37% focus on energy, 18% on industry, 17% transport, 13% waste, 13% agriculture, forestry & other land use.
  • 7 LEDS finalized. Finalized LEDS used for INDC target setting in multiple countries.
  • 10 National GHG Inventory Systems documented, 9 data collection systems designed, 110+ trainings, 30+ consultations conducted.
  • 34 Webinars held on topics including NDC, design and prioritization, climate finance, MRV. More than 5100 views via either webinar attendence or You Tube views.
  • Over 20 knowledge products developed and shared to help encourage learning by example and knowledge exchange.
  • Select Examples of Country Achievements under the LECB Programme: Indonesia developed a modelling tool to assess Sustainable Development impacts of NDC actions.
  • Trinidad and Tobago created an NDC Implementation Plan which links SDG and NDC targets, and will reform the local Green Fund as a new funding mechanism.
  • Kenya’s new Climate Change Act presents a framework for aligning climate change actions with and the SDGs.
  • Uganda completed a Green Growth Development Strategy, integrating NDC & SDG targets and finalized a Green Schools NAMA that was chosen by the NAMA Facility for implementation.
  • Paraguay’s NDC implementation strategy enables validation of climate actions by civil society actors.100+ climate actions have been validated to date.
  • Lao PDR is linking NDC to Climate Change Disaster Law.
  • Morocco has raised USD 39.3M from the GCF for their sustainable agriculture NAMA developed under the LECB Programme. The NAMA will benefit women’s livelihoods and advance both adaptation and mitigation.
  • Vanuatu raised USD 1 M from the Government of Austria to carry out feasibility studies for the Rural Electrification NAMA.
  • Lebanon completed a systematic and quantified analysis of investor risks in Renewable Energy which is being used to inact policy changes and move financial levers to effectly leverage investment in wind and solar PV.
  • Costa Rica improved governance in the agriculture sector, supported by a presidential decree for low-carbon development in the livestock sector through a livestock NAMA developed under the LECB project.
  • Colombia developed and approved eight Sectoral Mitigation Action Plans (SMAPs) for Transportation, Energy, Hydrocarbons, Mining, Industry, Agriculture, Housing and Waste. The SMAPs provide the basis for their NDC.
  • Chile established a Voluntary Carbon Management Program “Huella Chile” (www.huellachile.cl). Based on the ISO 14064 standard, it is as a tool for calculating GHG emissions and provides the public and private sector with all required technical resources to calculate their emissions.
  • Bhutan introduced and piloted an „Intelligent Transport System“ which includes a model bus-stop featuring seating, wheelchair access, passenger safety measures, and 24/7 video surveillance; and new audio-visual media. As a result of these efforts Bhutan secured funding from the World Bank to scale up the model bus stop demonstrated in Thimphu at 183 other locations in the country.


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