Philippines: Minimizing food waste

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More than 13 million Filipinos can't afford three square meals a day. Filipa Balde and her family are among them. Filipa feeds her family with "pagpag" — that's Tagalog for leftovers from garbage sites. The 67-year-old grandmother has had little alternative since her husband died.

In contrast, the growing middle class in the Philippines has food in abundance. In Manila alone, more than 2000 tons of comestibles end up in the garbage yearly. Much of it comes from restaurants. 

Projects like The Sustainable Diner are trying to raise awareness of the problem and its environmental impact, while the government is pushing businesses to donate surplus food to food banks to help people like Filipa.

A film by Gönna Ketels

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06:38 Minutes

Date of publication


Establish Sustainable Consumption and Production - a South-South Transfer (“SCP South-South”)

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