2050 is now: Aligning climate action with long-term climate and development goals

This project will provide governments and in-country research institutes and other relevant stakeholders with tools and analysis to strengthen Long-term strategies on the mitigation of greenhouse gases (LTS) with a strong focus on energy and land-use and food systems, in line with national development goals. Therefore the project will help to align short- and medium-term sectoral, economic and national development plans with LTS, including supporting a just transition. This includes to identify opportunities to enhance Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), on the basis of LTS, while achieving development goals. The project will also build capacity beyond focus countries through convenings, research, and lesson-sharing. The project will improve governments’ readiness to increase ambition and implement actions in line with the long-term transitions necessary to limit warming and adapt to climate change as envisioned in the Paris Agreement.

Project data

Argentina, India, Indonesia
IKI funding
19,187,378.00 €
Included preparation phase
812,621.63 €
06/2023 till 05/2027
Implementing organisation
World Resources Institute (WRI)
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation
  • National Institution for Transforming (NITI Aayog) - India
  • State Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) - Indonesia
  • Undersecretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development - Argentina
Implementing Partner
  • Fundación Bariloche
  • Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) - Frankreich
  • Stichting European Climate Foundation
  • Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) - USA
  • World Resources Institute (WRI) - India
  • World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia

State of implementation/results

  • Since the start of the project in June 2023 on the global level the following activities have happened:
    • Finalized arrangements with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory who, on behalf of the Global Climate Action Partnership, will lead energy sector activities for the consortium.
    • Hosted a regional convening in Jakarta, Indonesia to showcase best practices and lessons learned on LT-LEDS development, and enable South-South cooperation amongst countries of the region.
    • Hosted a webinar with 1,000 attendees on NDC/LT-LEDS alignment.
    • Held a workshop on global enabling conditions for national just transitions.
    • Engaging with the NDC Partnership to support requests on NDCs and LT-LEDS.
  • Argentina
    • Built a baseline of geophysical information for the creation of model instruments and refined indicators and data on social and landscape dynamics to examine decarbonisation and conservation efforts in the AFOLU sector.
    • Defined indicators and collected data to represent social and landscape dynamics in the AFOLU sector.
    • Refined Nature Map with updated layers on evapotranspiration, Ecosystem Services Provisioning Index, and carbon sequestration.
    • Developed an algorithm for identifying and prioritizing conservation areas while ensuring efforts align with sustainable land management and Argentina's environmental goals.
    • Three climate-resilient food and land-use systems pathways were modelled to show the biophysical feasibility of achieving carbon neutrality in the AFOLU sector by 2050.
    • Developed DecarboNation: an educational tool that allows the exploration of policy impacts related to agriculture, conservation, and emissions reductions.
    • Stakeholder-based modelling in climate change planning for the agriculture sector in Argentina. doi.org/…
  • India
    • Organized a national multistakeholder dialogue on the strategic transitions in India’s LT-LEDS to identify research and capacity building needs for climate planning and implementation.
    • Launched two working papers exploring scenario analysis of India’s power and transport sectors and drafted an expert note on decarbonizing India’s industrial sector.
    • Made updates to the India Energy Policy Simulator (EPS) datasets and policy settings for the industry, transport and buildings sector.
    • Initiated a review of publications and synthesizing insights from long-term strategies of different countries to identify key elements and practices that are relevant for India.
    • Presented results from the India EPS model at the India Climate and Energy Modelling Forum.
    • Initiated impact analysis of state-level policies and data collection for a state-level energy calculator tool in Madhya Pradesh.
  • Indonesia
    • Commenced discussions with BAPPENAS to provide support on the next generation NDC and LT-LEDs, including on policy advisory support based on the consortium’s low carbon modelling results.
    • Aligned consortium work with GIZ-CLARITY, with an agreement to focus on sectoral decarbonization such as on agriculture and industry, and on climate resilience/adaptation.
    • Initiated energy modelling, which will examine upstream issues such as coal mining and critical mineral and the dynamics with just transition aspects.

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