Demonstration Project in China for the Conversion of a Production Facility Manufacturing Household Air-conditioning Units

The project was able to build on the achievements of the project ‘Supporting the Introduction of Standards for Natural Refrigerants’ and therefore carried out a model implementation of developed standards. It supported the company GREE, a Chinese manufacturer of household air-conditioning units, in replacing the climate-damaging HCFCs previously used in its production process with natural refrigerants (hydrocarbons). Comprehensive training courses for production and service technicians in the responsible and safe handling of flammable refrigerants and maintenance of the units were offered as well as events and workshops to share the experiences gained during the conversion process with other interested parties and companies.

Project data

IKI funding
3,162,971.07 €
10/2008 till 10/2013
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Ecology and Environment - China
Implementing Partner
  • Ministry of Ecology and Environment - China

State of implementation/results

  • Project completed
  • Production facility and design of GREE units converted to the use of natural refrigerants, serving as a best-practice model; reduction of at least 60,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year
  • Training manual produced and training provided to production and service technicians; training materials made available in Chinese; workshops run to ensure experiences are shared with other companies
  • Plan developed for phasing out HCFCs across the entire sector; more than 50% of the systems are to be converted to hydrocarbon technology
  • 100 air-conditioning units installed and monitored as part of a pilot scheme in the Maldives
  • Safety concept for system design and operation using natural refrigerants approved by the German technical inspection association TÜV

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