ExploRE - Strategic exploration of economic mitigation potentials through renewables

The government of Indonesia is focusing on the expansion of renewable energies (RE) to achieve the country’s climate mitigation targets as defined in its NDC. The project supports the Indonesian government in the dissemination and demonstration through pilot projects of a strategy for cost-effective use of RE. These activities are intended to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions through closely linked energy, financial, and planning policies. To achieve this goal, the project advises the responsible ministries on the development financing guidelines for RE and legislation on feed-in tariffs. Besides, the project supports coordination between key ministries and develops financing instruments to promote private investment in RE. These measures will ensure the expansion of RE in the long term.

Project data

IKI funding
5,350,000.00 €
11/2018 till 06/2025
Implementing organisation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) - Indonesia
  • Ministry of Finance - Indonesia
  • State Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) - Indonesia

State of implementation/results


  • Following an initial trial and implementation at PTPN II (state-owned plantation company) in North Sumatera, the “M-Biogas” application is also operating at PT AANE’s biogas plant located in Belitung. M-Biogas is a mobile-based application developed by ExploRE to assist in biogas installation performance monitoring.
  • In collaboration with the MEMR and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), ExploRE supported the launching event of KBLI 35203 on 9 March 2023 and Bioshare Series #10 Webinar on Biomethane Business Opportunity to support wider promotion of the newly-launched KBLI 35203. The webinar was attended by at least 150 participants and was arranged in hybrid format from Pekanbaru to strategically target agroindustry players in Riau Province.
  • ExploRE collaborates with the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS and the MEMR to initiate a thematic study on green hydrogen development. Key aspects of the study are comprehensive considerations for policy and regulation formulation, and institutional aspects for green hydrogen utilisation. The study will feed references for the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2025 – 2029 formulation. Discussion sessions were held on 17 May 2023 and 20 July 2023, attended by 46 participants and 31 participants respectively.
  • ExploRE and ABgI (Indonesian Biogas Association) jointly developed a knowledge platform to facilitate information exchange and distribution on biogas topics, aims to promote its important role in the energy transition and broaden the distribution of biogas technology information.
  • Bioenergy achievement in the energy mix target is mainly focused on the electricity sector, omitting the larger number of bioenergy direct use for non-electricity. ExploRE supports MEMR to fill the gap by developing a tracking and data collecting mechanism, focusing on major bioenergy users: palm oil, sugar, and pulp and paper industries.
  • A year following Solar Ice Maker operation in Sulamu, ExploRE conducted a socio-economic impact assessment to collect lessons-learned and formulate recommendations for further implementation. Assessment result was disseminated to key stakeholders on 31 July 2023.
  • Groundbreaking of a compressed biogas (CBG) plant construction took place in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, in August 2023. The plant will utilise agroindustrial waste to produce liquified petroleum gas (LPG) substitution. Prior to this development, ExploRE facilitated comprehensive assessments through feedstock and market study, and a pre-feasibility study.
  • ExploRE provided input in the drafting of West Nusa Tenggara Province Governor Regulation on green energy, highlighting ease of licensing process and access to financing for renewable energy development, including for biogas upgrading projects.
  • ExploRE provides assistances in the development of a national standard for bioenergy potential calculation which covers product and waste of key agroindustry commodities: palm, rubber, and coconut.

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