
Co-designing inclusive climate action at the local level

Panel discussion featuring three women, with floral arrangements on tables and screens in the background.
Presentation of the project in the German pavilion at WUF12 in Cairo

The EcoZones project, funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI), presented its digital toolbox at the 12th World Urban Forum (WUF12) and held a participatory mapping exercise in downtown Cairo.

The Wuppertal Institute and the World Resources Institute (WRI) México presented the EcoZones project, an initiative to empower communities to initiate climate action at the local level, at the German Pavilion at WUF12 in Cairo. The project focuses on promoting sustainable, resilient, and liveable neighbourhoods. It developed a methodology, a comprehensive assessment framework and a toolkit to facilitate the implementation and replication of this approach in different contexts and regions, with a focus on vulnerable communities in developing countries.

The tools were tested, validated and improved with the direct participation of the communities of two selected vulnerable neighbourhoods in two medium-sized cities in Mexico: La Metalera in Hermosillo and Jardines de San Miguel in León. The project is based on the Urban Living Labs concept, a practical approach to implementing small-scale, cost-effective sustainable urban solutions.

The WUF session presented the EcoZones methodology and its toolbox, designed to support assessments and inspire communities to address climate vulnerability across four dimensions: urban environment, environmental quality, socioeconomic wellbeing, and disaster risk.

Open source tools

Developed in collaboration with the NGO Codeando México, the toolbox includes the following collaborative, open source and free access tools:

  • The mobile app, consisting of a digital neighbourhood survey and a collaborative mapping module. The app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.
  • The website www.ecozonas.org, which hosts interactive dashboards with results, downloadable datasets, reports and access to a catalogue of more than 160 Sustainable Urban Solutions (SUS).

In addition, lessons learned from the pilot implementation in the two neighbourhoods were shared in the session. Emphasis was placed on the importance of community participation at every stage, from assessing climate risks and public spaces using the mapping app, to prioritizing, co-designing and implementing tailored interventions. Highlighted actions included:

  • Nature-based solutions such as tree planting and micro-basin gardens.
  • Infrastructure upgrades such as woven shade structures, improved pedestrian walkways and mural projects.
  • Community empowerment activities such as capacity building and craft workshops.

Participatory exercise in Cairo

Three people standing on a sidewalk, focused on their smartphones, with urban buildings and passersby in the background.
A participatory mapping exercise was carried out in the city center of Cairo

The subsequent discussion focused on how participatory tools and technologies can support inclusive urban development and foster local solutions for resilient cities. It also emphasized that participatory methods and multi-stakeholder approaches are key to accelerating the transition to sustainable neighbourhoods. 

To demonstrate the adaptability of the tools, a participatory mapping exercise was conducted in downtown Cairo with students and representatives of local organizations who attended the session, showcasing the potential of EcoZones to facilitate community engagement in different contexts.

Conference scene with a woman at the podium presenting a PowerPoint slide about EcoZones, the audience wearing headphones and following along.
EcoZones at the 12th World Urban Forum

Moreover, the EcoZones framework was presented in two other sessions on digitalization and technology within broader discussions on sustainable mobility and inclusive urban development. The EcoZones project was discussed at the following events:

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10 years of sustainable urban development in the IKI

The topic has been an overarching priority at the IKI since 2015. 

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A group of people gathered around a table during a networking event. They are actively participating in a brainstorming activity, writing on colorful paper shapes spread across the table. A presentation screen in the background displays the title: "IKI Networking Event at WUF 12, Cairo - Sustainable and climate-friendly development of urban areas." A wall slogan reads: "It all starts locally."

IKI at the 12th World Urban Forum

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