Urban mobility solutions
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Project concepts developed by the IKI-funded Urban Pathways project, are now being demonstrated in major cities to develop innovative business models.
The IKI funded Urban Pathways project has launched several demonstration actions to assist partner countries recovering from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and create innovative and sustainable opportunities that contribute to access and mobility locally and mitigate climate change globally. These demonstrations are ideally placed in Hanoi (Vietnam), Kigali (Rwanda), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Quito (Ecuador), Montevideo (Uruguay), Kathmandu (Nepal) and Pasig (Philippines).
Platform for sustainable mobility solutions
Urban Pathways works on implementation of concepts in the context of the New Urban Agenda and aims to generate linkages between urban mobility, energy and resources sectors. In this context, it has established a platform with over 150 partners, including local authorities, industry, start-ups, SMEs, public transport operators and researchers.
One of the key objectives of this platform is to develop business models and partnerships with a particular focus on electric mobility solutions such as electric two- and three wheelers, mini-buses and buses. The concepts that will be implemented include for example the development of electric three-wheelers in Kathmandu and Dar es Salaam, city logistics vehicles for Pasig and Quito and electric two-wheelers in Hanoi, Montevideo and Kigali. These pilots are intended to be scalable and replicable to boost shared and public electro mobility, which can be a key component of transformative, sustainable and low carbon urban development.
Including enabling and integrating action
The pilots are not just focused on the operational aspects and the technical specifications in urban energy, mobility and waste sectors, but also on urban place making as an enabling and integrating action. In Nairobi, Kenya and Belo Horizonte, Brazil tactical urbanism actions have been carried out to reclaim urban space in pilot areas, which is intended as a blueprint for a scale-up in the partner cities. For example in Belo Horizonte, a “Zone 30” (area-based imposition of vehicle speeds to 30 kilometres per hour) initiative in the Cachoeirinha neighbourhood has been initiated in order to contribute towards increased road safety and walkability, encourage modal shift away from private vehicles, and improve social cohesion in the neighbourhood.
Funding for the development of prototypes and testing of business models has been secured from the European Union. With over EUR 20 million provided through the Horizon 2020 frameworks programme, local companies, authorities and international partners can team-up to develop solutions that fit into the local context, generate jobs and value and contribute to local and global policy objectives.
Implementing the New Urban Agenda
With these demonstration actions, Urban Pathways aims to bridge the gap of responding to the current Corona crisis and delivering on global climate change mitigation efforts.
It aims to help implementing the New Urban Agenda and works along four key pillars:
Inform national and local policymakers, and other relevant stakeholders on how integrated urban development delivers results for the Paris Agreement, SDGs and NUA; Inspire stakeholders to take action through a structured capacity building programme; Initiate policy actions in the project cities and forge partnerships towards expanding such actions in replication cities; and Implement local measures by supporting the development of feasibility studies and plans towards realizing bankable projects that are in line with the wider societal and urban development agenda.
Urban Pathways: https://www.urban-pathways.org
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