Building capacity in the use of the Global Bioenergy Partnership indicators for sustainable bioenergy

The project tested indicators in order to assess the sustainability of the production and use of numerous forms of bioenergy in Ethiopia, Kenya, Paraguay and Viet Nam. It was following up on a pilot project that tested these indicators in Indonesia and Colombia. The Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) had developed these indicators. The project was strengthening the capacity of the participating governments to monitor the environmental, social and economic impacts of their bioenergy production and use and to establish viable policy for sustainable bioenergy development. To this end, the project gathered available data on the topic of bioenergy in the partner countries and used a participatory process to develop measurement methods and strategies tailored to each country for the indicators. Training measures and regional workshops enabled governments and scientists to independently measure and evaluate the indicators on a regular basis.

Project data

Ethiopia, Kenya
IKI funding
886,143.18 €
04/2015 till 12/2019
Implementing organisation
REN21 Secretariat (Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century e.V.)
Political Partner
  • Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MEFCC) – Ethiopia*
  • Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Regional Development Authorities - Kenya
Implementing Partner
  • Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MEFCC) – Ethiopia*
  • Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (MEW&NR) - Kenya*

State of implementation/results

  • Project completed.
  • Implementation in Ethiopia and Kenya through UN Environment, in Paraguay and Vietnam through FAO.
  • Project works with experts to identify priority bioenergy pathways and understand how these pathways contribute (positively or negatively) to national energy and climate priorities.
  • Building capacity of experts to gather data, calculate the bioenergy indicators and interpret the results.
  • Results help decision makers adapt and develop policies so that national biomass production and use meets national energy and climate objectives.
  • Capacity building activities (training, stakeholder meetings etc.) are designed to encourage collaboration between ministry, centres of excellence and stakeholders to share data and information.
  • Focus discussion group meetings to identify members of multi-stakeholder working group.
  • Lessons learnt from FAO’s work applying the GBEP indicators in Vietnam and Paraguay will be used.
  • Support of Ethiopians National Energy Policy, National Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) and particularly its Climate-Resilient Green Economy Strategy (CRGE).
  • Direct Contribution to National Energy Policy in Kenya for biomass management and use.
  • Support of Kenya Vision that highlights central role of bioenergy in the national energy mix.
  • In Ethiopia, researchers are looking at biogas from organic waste (animal dung and human excrement) by households and institutions as well as solid biomass (charcoal and firewood) used in improved cookstoves for cooking and heating.
  • In Kenya researchers are focusing on agricultural residues by the tea industry as well as charcoal produced from agroforestry resources and used by households.
  • In February 2019, UN Environment held a training and looked at how to calculate both the greenhouse gas and non-greenhouse gas emissions associated with biomass use in the selected pathways, using a simple model developed specifically for the project.
  • Researchers from the Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute, Stockholm Environment Institute-Africa, Kenya Forestry Research Institute, Strathmore University and World Agroforestry will now take the model and begin applying the data.
  • In June 2019, a validation workshop was held in each country. The objective of these workshops was to obtain additional data from other government departments and in Kenya, from the tea industry.
  • Data collection in the two countries is almost complete. National teams are now finalizing indicator calculations and drawing conclusions.
  • Final reports are expected end of 2019.

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