Scaling agroforestry for holistic climate resilience-building in rural Tanzania (SCARF)
Numerous projects across the globe have supported the identification and implementation of good agricultural practices to advance climate change adaptation. Yet, few manage to sustain the positive effects after the project period. The SCARF-project will address the root-causes of non-adoption of agricultural good practices. The goal is to promote long-term resilience of smallholder farmers in rural Tanzania. Based on an innovative combination of scientific climate impact and adaptation assess-ments, participatory tools and implementation activities, agroforestry measures will be selected, ana-lysed, co-designed, implemented and scaled up. The systemic nature of agroforestry and its various environmental and socio-economic benefits make it a particularly promising climate change adaptation strategy. The project aims to understand and foster conditions that lead to the upscaling of agrofor-estry in both time and space.
- Countries
- Tanzania
- IKI funding
- 791,042.00 €
- Duration
- 12/2022 till 11/2025
- Status
- open
- Implementing organisation
- Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. - PIK) - Germany
State of implementation/results
- In May 2023, farmer workshops were held in all 8 SCARF villages to identify suitable agroforestry technologies. For each workshop, between 10-12 farmers participated, with female participants making up between 30-50%. The workshops included focus group discussions and were aimed at discussing the benefits and drawbacks of different agroforestry technologies as experienced by the farmers.
- In July 2023 a stakeholder workshop was held in Dodoma with 18 participants, including farmer representatives, extension agents, local ministry representatives, and other key stakeholders, as well as members from the project team. The workshop aimed at introducing the project, presenting first results from the modelling activities, and discussing the major challenges and opportunities in the two project regions related to agricultural production and climate change. The results from the discussion fed into the selection of agroforestry technologies.
- 4 agroforestry technology packages have been identified for training and uptake by the smallholder farmers: Fruit trees inter- and mixed cropping, Woodlots for timber and/or woodfuel supply, Integration of fertilizer trees and rainwater harvesting, and Contours with fodder crop.
- Climate modelling and process-based modelling were respectively used to assess climate changes in Tanzania under various emission scenarios and the assessment of effectiveness of the selected agroforestry strategies to support adaptation for various farming systems and farmer types. The results of the modelling will be made available through the Potsdam Institutes for Climate Research (PIK) website communication outreach.
- Farmer trainings on agroforestry packages and other sustainable agricultural practices were held at the SAT Training Center in Morogoro. Farmers were trained on e.g. seed collection and propagation for targeted trees, nursery establishment, and on the co-benefits of agroforestry.
- Demo plots were established in all 8 SCARF villages, with each demo plot configuration fit to the challenges specified in each village during the Option X Context approach. Many farmers participated in the demo plot establishment.
- Trainings on agroforestry with extension workers and local government administrators have been carried out.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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