Sino-German Cooperation on Climate Change – NDC Implementation
As the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, China faces many challenges in achieving the nationally determined contribution (NDC) it has set for 2030 under the Paris Agreement. In the context of China’s NDC, as well as its Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Development Strategy (LT-LEDS), the project supports the implementation of climate policies and measures in China’s 14th Five-Year Plan to accelerate the implementation China’s NDC and the 2030/2060 targets, also contributing to future NDC. The goal is the implementation of existing and the development of new opportunities for ambitious climate action. The project supports the administrations responsible for climate policy on the national level and in selected provinces and cities through the development of resources and capacities as well as the dissemination of climate policy expertise and case studies. In addition, the project plays a central role for the project-overarching networking and knowledge management.
- Countries
- China
- IKI funding
- 13,500,000.00 €
- Duration
- 09/2020 till 01/2026
- Status
- open
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Ecology and Environment - China
- Implementing Partner
- Climate Analytics Australia Ltd.
- Climate Analytics gGmbH
- Eco-environment Low-carbon Development Center of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (ELDC-IM)
- National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) - China
- NewClimate - Institute for Climate Policy and Global Sustainability gGmbH
State of implementation/results
- Between 17 July and 24 July 2024, representatives of GIZ and the German think tank Climate Analytics travelled to the Guangxi Autonomous Region, Sichuan Province and Shaanxi Province for a series of workshops and visits to adaptation projects. The aim was to kick off cooperation on methodological issues. The thematic focus was on climate impact and risk assessment, adaptation planning and the promotion of legal and regulatory frameworks for climate adaptation. Local environmental authorities and implementing partners exchanged ideas and discussed the joint work plan with local research partners.
- In July and August 2024, the project organised training sessions on modelling scenarios for the development of emissions in the transport sector to support the participating representatives of local research institutions in the preparation of emission reduction plans for the transport sector.
- On 22 August 2024, a workshop was held with representatives from Guangdong Province to discuss the legal and regulatory framework for reducing methane emissions from agriculture, waste and the energy sector.
- The IKI interface workshop took place on 28 August and 29 September 2024. On the one hand, it was used for networking and exchange between the participating IKI projects in China and the commissioning ministries, as well as for the further development of a strategic IKI portfolio in the country. On the other hand, the workshop brought together the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE), the Ministry of Commerce (MofCOM) and the German IKI ministries. The IKI projects in China reported on their progress and provided insights into bilateral and regional work in China.
- From 8 September to 15 September 2024, the project organised a study trip to Germany and the Netherlands on the topic of climate adaptation. The aim of the study tour is to strengthen knowledge about climate adaptation among key decision-makers in China at national and sub-national level by sharing best practices in the EU and Germany.
Latest Update:
Further links
- Publications of the project
- Subnational cooperation on climate change adaptation starts with site visits to three partner provinces
- Sino-German cooperation on early emissions peaking and decarbonization of the transport sector in Hunan province takes off
- NDC Implementation project enhances climate action at subnational level
Project relations
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