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Publication | 01/2024
Aligning Company and Government Action on Deforestation: Lessons from Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire and Peru
Based on the experience that Proforest gained across the three years of implementation at the landscape level in Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire and Peru, this document provides concrete examples of how collaboration
News | 12/2021
Deforestation-free supply chains in Cote d’Ivoire
organisation Proforest therefore facilitated a workshop attended by government representatives, companies and civil society organisations to review three potential landscapes for the programme. Proforest is working [...] less resources to establish landscape governance and best practice. Collaborative decision making Proforest works to ensure that all of the activity is built on collaboration, bringing together government
Video | 04/2024
Investing in the San Pedro Landscape - Collaboration and Community in Côte d'Ivoire
Proforest has collaborated with regional authorities, communities, and other partners to develop a comprehensive Management and Investment Plan for the San Pedro landscape in Côte d’Ivoire. This new film
News | 03/2023
Linking ‘no deforestation’ supply chains and national climate mitigation initiatives
Linking ‘no deforestation’ supply chains and national climate mitigation initiatives Proforest’s Production Landscape Programme encompasses several initiatives and programmes including the Linking ‘no [...] challenge was the large number of independent smallholders producing cocoa at a relatively small scale. Proforest, collaborating with key landscape stakeholders including the government’s Forestry Commission (FC) [...] discussions and experience sharing as well as field tour of key ecological areas across the landscape. Proforest believes that training and capacity building create an alignment and understanding of the roles
News | 10/2023
Sustainable value chains
supply chains to genuinely sustainable production landscapes. For more information on Proforest, visit [...] cocoa and palm oil. Bringing global companies and producer initiatives together Launched in 2020, Proforest’s IKI-funded project aims to align the supply chain actions of global companies with producer country-led
News | 10/2021
Deforestation-free supply chains for climate mitigation
Deforestation-free supply chains for climate mitigation The organisation Proforest has been expanding its "Production Landscape Programmes" into new areas of policy, new commodities and new regions. With [...] programmes to develop sustainable goods for international markets, such as palm oil and cocoa. Using Proforest’s experience of working with large downstream commodity-buying companies, the IKI project will support [...] Huallaga landscape are currently being developed with various partners. Through this branch of Proforest's Production Landscapes Programme, work in Peru will be linked to ongoing work in Côte d'Ivoire
Project | 10/2020
Linking 'no-deforestation' supply chains and national climate mitigation initiatives
chains with national policies and initiatives to address deforestation. The project leveraged Proforest’s relationships with multinational companies and multistakeholder platforms to support and build [...] signed Letter of Intent to follow confirming their commitment and contribution to implementation. Proforest is now actively fundraising with companies and donors to support implementation of the plan. Capacity
News | 01/2022
#GenerationRestoration: Nature-positive Supply Chains
instrument of the UN Decade in actively regenerating ecosystems? The IKI implementing organisations Proforest, IUCN and OroVerde presented their innovative concepts for nature-positive supply chains at this
News | 04/2023
Towards sustainable agriculture in Peru
y as either indigenous or mestizo (mixed) ( Minority Rights ). The IKI implanting organisation Proforest is working with the many actors involved in Peru to strengthen national policies, such as the recently
Page | 10/2024
IKI Medium Grants 2023
Implementing Organisation: Fairtrade International e.V.; Commerce Equitable Afrique (Fairtrade Africa); Proforest Initiative Africa Country: Ghana Addressing Deforestation in Smallholder Agricultural Commodity
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