Linking 'no-deforestation' supply chains and national climate mitigation initiatives
Producer country governments and multilateral companies have committed to eliminating deforestation and reducing GHG emissions associated with agriculture, but often actions to implement these commitments are taken in isolation. Collaboration can bring efficiencies and share responsibilities, which is especially important for smallholder-dominant commodities such as cocoa, palm, beef and coffee. The project worked with local stakeholders, governments and multilateral organisations to develop and test landscape and jurisdictional approaches and guidance to better integrate the implementation of private-sector commitments to eliminating deforestation from supply chains with national policies and initiatives to address deforestation. The project leveraged Proforest’s relationships with multinational companies and multistakeholder platforms to support and build capacity for local leadership of landscape-level land use planning, management and monitoring in the partner countries.
- Countries
- Ivory Coast, Ghana, Peru
- IKI funding
- 1,956,218.00 €
- Duration
- 10/2020 till 09/2023
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- The Proforest Initiative
- Political Partner
- Forestry Commission - Ghana
- Ministry of Environment (MINAM) - Peru
- Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development - Ivory Coast
- Implementing Partner
- Proforest Initiative Africa (PIGH)
- Proforest LatinoAmerica S.A.S (PCCO)
State of implementation/results
- Ghana:
- Capacity building completed at national and landscape levels as per the needs assessment. 140 participants from the government, private sector, traditional authorities and civil society organisations, at sub-HIA level six training programmes covered six groups comprising 420 participants to support implementation of the management plan.
- Management & Investment Plan validated by stakeholders in July 2023, a signed Letter of Intent to follow confirming their commitment and contribution to implementation. Proforest is now actively fundraising with companies and donors to support implementation of the plan.
- Capacity building of communities in the priority zones identified took place in July and August 2023. Objectives were to raise awareness of the Sustainable Management & Investment Plan; 2019 Forestry Code and implementing Decrees defining procedures for registering, creating and exploiting community forests; tree, forest ownership and forest protection and rural land law.
- HCV training and initial participatory mapping was conducted in 30 villages and five sub-prefectures with a total of 182 participants (68% men/32% women) from MINEF, the Regional Council, the NGO Cote d'Ivoire forest, sub-prefecture, traditional chiefs' collective, chiefdom (village chief, land chief, secretary), youth association and the women's association.
- Community members found the training useful, because they were not aware of the application of decrees of the Forestry Code and their rights in the management of natural resources before. For MINEF (Ministry of Water and Forest) this is a real opportunity to reach a large target group. The leaders have undertaken to disseminate the information within their respective communities.
- Support of the Ministry of Agrarian Development & Irrigation to strengthen national policies, such as the recently approved National Plan for Cocoa and Chocolate (Supreme Decree No. 017-2022-MIDAGRI), and the technical group in charge of the development of the national strategy for palm oil.
- Start to work with the National Plan for Livestock Development with a regional benchmarking exercise to identify the best practices for sustainable breeding in seven countries.
- Strategic alignment to national commitments, including Peru’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Economic Development and Growth.
- Trade, Development & the Environment Hub’s workshop on traceability, the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa (GISCO) conference and the Land & Carbon Lab 2023 in Brussels have been implemented.
- Amsterdam Declaration Partnership (ADP) multi-stakeholder meeting was attended by cocoa companies, civil society and ADP country governments in the UK.
- WWF workshop with UK government representatives was conducted to discuss a call for legislation on core environmental standards for UK food imports in the UK.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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