
Biodiversity as basis for life on earth

mangroves along the cost
Mangrove Forest along the cost of Isabela, North of Luzon, Philippines/Photo: iStockphoto/Tony Oquia

The International Day for Biodiversity raises awareness for the urgent need of a responsible dealing with nature and its resources.

“Biological diversity is the basis for live itself, its ecosystems provide vital services”, says Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).  Mr. Dias announced this year’s motto of the International Day for Biological Diversity on 22 May that highlights the unique abundance of our earth’s ecosystems, species and genes: “Mainstreaming Biodiversity; Sustaining People and their Livelihoods”. The topic should emphasize the essential importance of biological diversity for our livelihoods and sustainable development. “With the fight against biodiversity loss”, Braulio explains, “we invest in people, their lives and their wellbeing.”

The International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUB) supports numerous projects for the conservation of biological diversity worldwide. Therefore, the Day of Biodiversity is also an issue in the context of the IKI-projects. On the ground, the public is advised about the importance of biological diversity and is called for actions on nature conservation.

Thus, the IKI project on Forest and Climate Protection in Panay on the Philippines organized a clean-up event in the forest. The action aimed at the local population in order to strengthen the awareness of the importance to keep trash out of the forest and to maintain the forest in a good condition. A three-day exhibit held at a Training Center for Biodiversity Management highlighted stories of the importance of biodiversity and its link to the livelihood of the community through videos, photos and short stories. Together with local project partners, awareness is promoted in schools and shopping centres for habitat protection of the Philippine Eagle and its nesting sites.
To attract young people in particular for nature conservation and to participate in actions, a country-wide photo competition under the slogan “Selfie for biodiversity” was started.

The IKI project “Global Ideas” of the TV-broadcaster Deutsche Welle presents successful project examples that support the safeguard and conservation of biodiversity on its multimedia internet platform.

Through its International Climate Initiative (IKI) the BMUB supports so far 160 biodiversity-relevant projects with about EUR 657 million in funding, which assist partner countries with the implementation of the Strategic Plan of the Convention on Biological Diversity for the 2011-2020 period.

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