
Impact investments for the sustainable use of biodiversity in Peru

Group photo matchmaking meeting ImpactInvesment
Participants of the matchmaking event.

The IKI supported a matchmaking event to bring biodiversity-friendly businesses and impact investors together.

In August 2023, the Ministry of Environment in Peru (MINAM) presented the matchmaking event "Impact Investment as a Financing Mechanism for Bio-Businesses" for the second consecutive year. This event served as a vital platform for fostering collaboration between entrepreneurs and impact investors with the shared goal of mobilising private funds to support initiatives that generate positive social and environmental impact. The event provided a significant opportunity for these initiatives – which contribute to biodiversity preservation – to connect with funding sources that are aligned with sustainable business models. The matchmaking event was supported by the International Climate Initiative (IKI).

This remarkable outcome was made possible through the second edition of the Impact Investment Readiness Program. This program spanned from March to July 2023 and aimed to strengthen business capacities and equip bio-businesses with the key tools they need for seeking impact investment. Throughout the course, a total of 50 bio-businesses, comprising companies, associations, and cooperatives, successfully completed the enlistment process. 

Notably, 38 of these bio-businesses hailing from regions such as Amazonas, Cajamarca, Junin, Pasco, Piura, and Madre de Dios actively participated in the investment roundtable to showcase their business models to a panel of 14 impact investors. Specifically, the panel was made up of Abbaco, Alterfin, Alphamundi, Amazonia Impact Ventures, Bamboo Capital Partners, Beneficial Returns, Global Partnership, Incofin, Mirova, MCE Social Capital, NESsT, Rabobank, Responsability and RootCapital. 

Success stories from the 2022 investment round

The event also offered a platform for highlighting the success stories of two bio-businesses that had secured financing through the 2022 investment round. One of these examples is La Campiña Peru, a company from Junin and a beneficiary of the Amazonia Impact Ventures fund. The other success story is that of the Cooperativa Laguna de lo Cóndores de Amazonas, which benefitted from two impact investment funds (Alterfin and NESsT). Both entrepreneurs commented on their successful experience and provided recommendations to guide others in their pursuit of impact investment.

This shows that MINAM's commitment to nurturing opportunities for bio-businesses remains firm. MINAM's efforts continue to close the financial gap, ultimately fostering the economic rejuvenation of families and communities. Through initiatives such as the Impact Investment Readiness Program and events such as the matchmaking event, MINAM drives positive change by enabling impactful collaborations between visionary entrepreneurs and socially conscious investors.

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