When food becomes trash - new learning pack by Deutsche Welle published

Every year, some 1.3 billion tons of food end up in the garbage, even though much of it would still be edible. Why do we throw away so much food, and how does that waste impact the environment and the climate?
There is enough food in the world to feed everyone; enough to ensure that nobody need go hungry. But a third of all the food produced worldwide never actually gets eaten.
This learning pack highlights the causes and consequences of food waste and food loss. At which point along the production process is food lost? Where is the majority of food wasted and why? Is there a connection to climate change? And how can I help to make sure that less food is thrown away at home.
The learning pack includes:
- 1 booklet with worksheets and explanatory handouts
- 1 poster (to be printed out on A3 or A4)
- 6 videos and 3 articles
The materials are designed for children and young people from the age of 12, and they enable teachers to introduce their students to the subject of food wastage and its consequences for the environment. The materials can be used free of charge for non-commercial purposes.
It is recommended to start with a glance at the learning booklet, in order to get an overview of all the modules and content contained within the learning pack. The materials are available for download in German, English and Spanish. Limited numbers of the materials can also be ordered. Simply write an e-mail to globalideas[at]dw.com
It is the fourth of 10 learning packs that will be published by German broadcaster Deutsche Welle until 2022 to inform about key aspects of climate change and environmental protection. The packs are being compiled by the Global Ideas team at Deutsche Welle as part of the German Environment Ministry (BMU)’s International Climate Initiative (IKI).
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