Making Ghana's cocoa plantations more sustainable

Ghana is the world's second-largest exporter of cocoa, after Ivory Coast. But in recent years production has fallen by around 30%. Aging cocoa trees, poorly managed plantations and drought have all played a role in the sector's decline.
The country exports around 850,000 metric tons of cocoa each year. Most of this is unprocessed, and will be turned into chocolate and other products in Europe and the United States. If production in Ghana continues to fall, this will have consequences not only domestically, but also for manufacturers internationally.
The Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) is helping small-scale farmers in western Ghana revitalize their existing plantations so they don't have to encroach on the forest to expand their production. SNV is training them in climate-friendly cultivation, and the farmers have an app they can use to report illegal deforestation.
The Dutch organization is also helping them access microfinance products to see them through until their young trees bear fruit.
Global Ideas reported on the project in early 2019. Now, we return to see how things have developed.
A film by Gerlind Vollmer and Richard Ocloo
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5,38 Min
Date of publication
Global solutions – "The Road from Paris"
Global Ideas