Biodiversity and climate protection in the Mata Atlântica (TC module)
The Atlantic Forest Mata Atlântica is one of the world’s five most important biodiversity hotspots. The project contributed to the conservation of biodiversity and climate action, and to local adaptation to the impacts of climate change. Part of this work involved protecting and interconnecting partially fragmented protected areas. Other points of focus included measures for ecosystem-based adaptation and for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. As part of a comprehensive climate adaptation strategy for the country and its people, the technical component of the project has been working with the Brazilian Ministry for the Environment to prepare climate-sensitive development scenarios while analysing climate risks and climate change impacts. The team also has been developing economic instruments, incentive models and strategies for ecosystem-based adaptation and emissions mitigation. This work has been rounded off with political strategies for biodiversity conservation, climate action and the rehabilitation of forest landscapes.
- Countries
- Brazil
- IKI funding
- 7,535,000.20 €
- Duration
- 04/2013 till 12/2020
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Environment - Brazil
- Implementing Partner
- Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation - Brazil
- The Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact
State of implementation/results
- Project completed.
- In the three project regions, climate risks and opportunities in ecosystem-based adaptation strategies were identified by means of participatory processes in areas spanning more than 2.5 million hectares. Ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation measures were designed for more than 210,000 hectares (…).
- A strategy to promote capacities on ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) has been developed, including training of trainers (ToT) and institutionalization of the EbA approach in several Brazilian education and training institutions (…). At least 25% of the new trainers use their knowledge of EbA in the context of training measures or counselling, including activities under the finance component of the project.
- The ecosystem-based adaptation approach has been integrated into national and regional policies (e.g. the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and spatial planning instruments. Climate risks for the Mata Atlântica biome and the project regions were modeled.
- Furthermore the project provided consultation to the Brazilian Ministry of Environment (MMA) on the preparation of the following regulations with reagrds to EbA: National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNA), National Plan for the Restoration of Natural Vegetation (PLANAVEG), New Forest Act (Código Florestal), National Biodiversity Policy (PNB), Biodiversity Action Plan (EPANB) and the Program for Financing of Recovery Projects through Fines (Programa de Conversão de Multas Ambientais).
- EbA has been integrated into management plans for protected areas and community protection plans for the Mata Atlântica. A strategy for the development of individual capacities for the integration of EbA into spatial planning instruments (learning by doing) has been implemented, taking into account the methodology for qualification and monitoring of EbA measures proposed by Friends of EbA - FEBA. An EbA measure in Bahia in partnership with Anamma/Euroclima+ has been started.
- Learning experiences and results of the project were processed and documented and are available on the MMA homepage together with didactic material on EbA (…ântica_emdesenvolvimento/projeto-biodiversidade-e-mudanças-climáticas-na-mata-atlântica).
- Learning experiences of the project were continuously fed into national and international knowledge networks, for example: - Contributions to the knowledge platform PANORAMA-Solutions (GIZ and IUCN) for the integration of vulnerability and EbA in community planning (…) as well as in management plans of protected areas (…).
- Recommendations and training materials on EbA and Mata Atlântica community conservation plans developed by the project are used to strengthen capacities at local level.
- IKI Safeguards have been used with MMA and states to assess human rights standards in the event of possible resettlement of residents inside protected areas. The project used the gender-inclusive language in all training or communication materials produced.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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