Developing ecosystem-based solutions for managing biodiversity landscape in Bhutan
The White-bellied Heron (WBH) is a critically endangered species and is no longer sighted in many of its traditional home ranges in the Eastern Himalayas. Bhutan’s WBH habitats located in the river basins of the Punatsangchhu and Mangdechhu are degraded and threatened by on-going large hydropower-plant construction and other development activities. Building on ecosystem-based solutions, appropriate conservation approaches and measures will be introduced and established through the project to restore and conserve the WBH landscape. Through increased community engagement and the establishment of ecosystem-based livelihood adaptation options, ecosystem services within the WBH landscape and the livelihoods of the local community will be improved. The knowledge and experience gained from the project in ecosystem-based and community-based conservation and adaptation will be shared for application to other landscapes in Bhutan and similar areas in other Himalayan countries.
- Countries
- Bhutan
- IKI funding
- 3,687,239.00 €
- Duration
- 07/2021 till 06/2026
- Status
- open
- Implementing organisation
- Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN) Bhutan
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MoAL) - Bhutan
- Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (MoENR) (Bhutan)
- Ministry of Finance - Bhutan
- Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment (MoICE) - Bhutan
State of implementation/results
- Training of enumerators for ESRAM Assessment took place from 16/09/2021 to 17/09/2021 (…).
- ESRAM Technical report, the Biodiversity assessment report and the ESRAM Study Protocols are finalised and publication.
- Project Inception Meeting at national stakeholder level in order to inform and enhance stakeholder coordination took place on 02/09/2021 (… content/uploads/2021/11/Inception-Meeting-Report_2021.pdf ). The inception event was covered by the national print media ( Kuensel) and by Bhutan Broadcasting Service, the national broadcast media house (…,…).
- Restoration of degraded areas within the White Bellied Heron habitats to an area of 17 hectares with engagement of community forests groups and private individuals.
- Seven community-based nursery sites established in five districts (Punakha, Tsirang, Dagana, Trongsa, Zhemgang).
- Four nature trails and campsites with basic amenities were developed within the WBH landscape (Berti nature trail in Zhemgang District; Sunkosh nature trail in Tsirang District; Bara Gumti nature trail in Dagana District and Kabjisa Hoka Tsho nature trail in Punakha District).
- Homestay management training conducted with 66 community participants (34 female and 32 male).
- 62 village homestays in six Districts were supported and two homestays were certified by the Department of Tourism (DoT) with more to come.
- The Homestay Guidelines and Manual were reviewed in consultation with the implementation partner (DoT). Six representatives from the DoT (2 Male & 4 Female) and RPSN reviewed the guidelines and the manuals.
- Training of trainers (ToT) program on post-harvest, pest and disease control management and food processing to the agriculture extension officers sites organized.
- Training on plantation, harvesting technique of crops, soil and pest management, organic farming with 418 community participants (176 male and 242 female) completed.
- Identification of 12 sites for construction of drinking water infrastructure.
- Implementation of a nest and population surveys of the White Bellied Heron (WBH) and its habitat for 2024 in collaboration with Department of Forest and Park Service and the Local Conservation Support Groups: 25 individuals were recorded and four active WBH nests were discovered.
- White-bellied Heron Habitat Restoration Guideline developed and published in collaboration with Department of Forest and Park Services, Hydropower and Green Bhutan Corporation.
- Ten community-based Human-Wildlife Conflict Management and Crop Compensation groups established in the project landscape.
- Training was conducted for 17 Human-Wildlife Conflict (HWC) group focals (14 male and 3 female) from 4 HWC sites on HWC Group Management Mechanism and Crop Compensation Scheme in August,2023.
- Human-wildlife Conflict (HWC) issues at rural communities addressed also through electric fencing, covering a total of 550 acres of farmland (55 Kilometers) across 17 Climate-smart Agriculture communities.
- An Exchange Program Visit to India was held and shared the knowledge and lessons learnt from the implementation of the IKI project towards saving White-bellied Heron. Besides sharing this knowledge, an elaborate discussion was held on scaling up a similar conservation approach at the regional level. The conservation organisations in India agreed to develop a Conservation Action Plan for White-bellied Heron.
Latest Update:
Further links
- Report: Ecosystem and Socio-economic Resilience Analysis and Mapping (ESRAM) Technical Report
- Biodiversity Assessment Report
- Twitter account
- Community-based Ecotourism: A feasibility assessment in White-bellied Heron habitats along Punatsangchhu and Mangdechhu basins, Bhutan
- Homestay Management Training report
Project relations
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