Forest Landscape Restoration in Central America and the Caribbean and implementation of the Green Development Fund for Central America (REDD Landscape)
Around 8% of all known species worldwide live in the relatively small area of Central America. Through deforestation, soil degradation and agricultural use, however, forests can no longer fulfil their water management, soil protection and biodiversity functions. The project supports at least four countries of the Central American Integration System (SICA) in establishing, developing and carrying out implementation and financing mechanisms for FLR. National strategies, instruments and regulations are introduced, enshrined in law and implemented to this end. The Green Development Fund, which is integrated into the programme, provides project funding and finances FLR pilot projects at landscape level. The project also mobilises public and private investment and supports the Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD) in its efforts to disseminate the Bonn Challenge Initiative in the Caribbean region.
- Countries
- Belize, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Mexico
- IKI funding
- 13,120,000.00 €
- Duration
- 08/2017 till 08/2027
- Status
- open
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Central American Integration System (SICA)
- Implementing Partner
- Regional International Organization for Plant Protection and Animal Health
- The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
- International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
- Central American Agricultural Council
- Central American Commission for Environment and Development
- Foundation for the Conservation of Natural Resources
- FUNBAM Fundación Banco Ambiental
State of implementation/results
- The Green Development Fund projects for the SICA region for the restoration of ecosystems with a total funding volume of EUR 13 million were successfully completed by mid-2023 in all eight SICA countries (Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and Panama).
- Measures to restore and protect forests and ecosystems were implemented in prioritized landscapes:
- 7,240.89 ha of agroforestry systems
- 7,061.63 ha of silvopastoral systems
- 5,416.73 ha of reforestation
- 4,753.87 ha mangrove restoration
- 812.69 ha natural regeneration
- 32,559.43 ha forest protection
- 794.44 ha soil protection
- 11,143 rural producers (29% women) have benefited from financial incentives, in-kind contributions, cash-for-work, capacity building and/or additional production areas and crop diversification and have established 14,303 ha of additional resilient production systems.
- 2622 people (38% women) were trained in various aspects of ecosystem and landscape restoration and related financing mechanisms.
- The expansion of the center for forest seeds in El Salvador has doubled the capacity for collecting and storing tree seeds. At the same time, the regional exchange between forest seed banks was strengthened.
- In Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador and the Dominican Republic, national laws, strategies, programs, action plans and guidelines, as well as local development and management plans for the restoration of ecosystems and landscapes were developed and implemented in the pilot areas with the support of the project.
- The new digital knowledge management platform was used by public institutions in 6 countries to develop local restoration plans, train their staff, formulate new projects and select methods for restoring ecosystems and landscapes.
- Additional funding of EUR 4.2 million was provided for ecosystem and landscape restoration activities in the program's pilot areas in 5 countries. 7% of the investment (EUR 310,404.00) was contributed by private stakeholders through four public-private partnerships in Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and Guatemala.
- Twelve female producers of the project in Costa Rica were awarded a Gender Equity in Land Use Award by the National REDD Office.
- At the parallel meeting of the CCAD Council of Ministers, the results of the project to date were rated as very positive and, in particular, the introduction of the new Cash For Work financing mechanism for the region was deemed worthy of support and should be integrated into new projects in the sector.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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