PARTNERSHIP FOR NET ZERO INDUSTRY: Sustainable national transformation pathways to climate neutral industry by 2050
The steel, cement and concrete account for 50% of industrial emissions and 15% of the global emissions. Decarbonizing this sector is imminent if the international community wants to stay in line with the 1.5 degree target under the Paris Agreement. However, the transition to greener production for heavy industries is a huge challenge. Particularly developing countries are burdened with ensuring industrialization and economic growth while at the same time reducing industry-related GHG emissions. The Partnership for Net Zero Industry brings together countries, financers, industries, technology providers and research institutions to tackle this challenge together in a collaborative manner through creating a better policy environment, promoting and enabling investment in decarbonization technologies, and fostering international dialogue and knowledge-sharing on experience, solutions and lessons learned.
- Countries
- Argentina, Indonesia, Kenya, Morocco
- IKI funding
- 23,000,000.00 €
- Duration
- 01/2024 till 03/2029
- Status
- open
- Implementing organisation
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) - Austria
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Economy - Argentina
- Ministry of Industry, Trade and New Technologies (MCINT) - Morocco
- Ministry of Industry - Indonesia
- Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry - Kenya
State of implementation/results
- Partnership for Net Zero Industry – TA Facility:
- By early 2025, countries are due to revise their climate commitments through submitting their revised National Determined Contributions (NDCs 3.0). NDCs 3.0 are expected to be a progression from previous NDCs, reflecting the highest possible ambition, including economy wide and absolute mitigation targets.
- As nations prepare to review and enhance their climate commitments, UNIDO developed a support package for NDC 3.0 to help countries with designing and integrating industry-specific measures in their NDCs.
- Project will extend this support to the following countries: Kenya, Morocco, Argentina, and Indonesia.
- The Project also plans to convene an event at COP29 titled “Why industry decarbonization matters in the NDC 3.0 process?” to highlight the critical role that NDC revisions can play in advancing decarbonization in heavy industries and showcase the support available to help countries align their industrial policies with the ambitions of the Paris Agreement.
- Operationalising the GMP is underway and on track for going live at COP29. The processes and procedures behind GMP have been established including submitting requests for assistance and the matchmaking process. These are detailed in the Draft Guidance Framework for submitting a request for assistance and Draft Operational Procedure on the matchmaking process. In addition, several templates to standardise the process and ensure transparency have been produced or are in development including request submission letter, detailed request form, delivery partner expression of interest, match endorsement letter.
- The communication products for GMP are on track for going live at COP29. As part of this a communication strategy, a website, and other communication products such as brochure have been developed.
- GMP piloted the matchmaking process with Kenya, Morocco, Argentina, Cambodia and successfully secured assistance for these countries from UNIDO Partnership for Net Zero Industry project, World Bank ESMAP programme for industry decarbonization, Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) and the Partnership for Transparency under the Paris Agreement (PATPA).
- Throughout the whole year, GMP has been actively engaging with the Climate Club member countries to seek their feedback and recommendations on the proposed processes and set-up.
Latest Update:
Project relations
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