Support for the Brazilian National Agenda for Sustainable Urban Development (ANDUS)
Urbanisation processes in Brazil are progressing rapidly, but the consequences are severe social disparities and environmental problems. The project supports federal, state and local stakeholders authorities in implementing strategies for integrated planning and in managing sustainable urban development. Mitigation and adaptation strategies, the urban-rural nexus and the importance of intact ecosystems as “green service providers” for cities are addressed. Existing regulations and instruments will be improved, expanded and tested in pilot measures. Approaches to integrated sustainable urban development are incorporated into government strategies, support programmes and funding lines. Training and dissemination concepts are intended to anchor these approaches in communities and local authorities. The German-Brazilian Urbanization Partnership also supports international learning and exchange processes.
- Countries
- Brazil
- IKI funding
- 7,000,000.00 €
- Duration
- 07/2017 till 06/2025
- Status
- open
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Cities (MCidades) - Brazil
- Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA) - Brazil
- Implementing Partner
- Ministry of Cities (MCidades) - Brazil
- Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA) - Brazil
State of implementation/results
- The ANDUS project uses a specially designed mentoring and peer learning concept to connect 15 local stakeholders throughout Brazil and support with technical knowledge. Currently, three mentoring groups with five actors each are being supported:
- Mentoring programme "Municipal land use planning for cities in Amazonia": the project, together with the Ministry of Cities (MCID) and the Ministry of Environment and Climate Protection (MMA), selected five cities: Belém (state of Pará), Brasiléia (Acre), Itapecuru Mirim (Maranhão), Palmas (Tocantins) and Porto Velho (Rondônia). The cities each adapted a relevant planning instrument to their municipal context in the Amazon region. In a second phase, the city of Itapecuru Mirim received additional support for implementation
- Mentoring programme "Sustainable Waste Management": Together with the National School of Public Administration (ENAP), four selected cities and a consortium have improved the process of waste collection and recycling as well as occupational health and safety with waste workers with initial interventions: Pedra Branca do Amapari (Amapá); Francisco Morato (São Paulo); Santiago (Rio Grande do Sul); consortium of several municipalities in the Sertão do Inhamus (Ceará); Campo Grande (Mato Grosso do Sul)
- Mentoring programme "Black Women for the Climate": Five social movements from Belém, Brasília, Belo Horizonte, Sao Paulo and Joao Pessoa were selected together with the Department for Urban Peripheries (informal settlements) of the MCID. All movements are committed to climate, environment and sustainability in their communities. The ANDUS project supports the women in developing local plans for climate resilience with the women's communities and in expanding their technical knowledge in these areas as well as their political articulation. Political talks were held with representatives of the Office of the President, various ministries and the German embassy.
- The "Coalition for Sustainable Urban Development" is a cooperation between the project and its partner ministries, the WRI and the Association of Mayors. It unites and represents urban interests for sustainable development in the Amazon region. The coalition is represented in the regional network of Amazon cities and is continuously adding new members. (…).
- ANDUS supports the Ministry of Cities in its thematic contribution to the National Climate Adaptation Plan of the Ministry of Environment. 400 contributions from organisations and individuals across Brazil were submitted to the project-supported digital citizen participation on the National Climate Adaptation Plan. (…)
- ANDUS is supporting the Ministry of the Environment in designing the national "Green, Resilient Cities Programme". The programme's national participation process was launched on 30 July 2024 in front of over 300 people in Brasilia. Participatory workshops on land use planning, nature-based solutions and urban greening, mobility, circular economy and low-carbon solutions will be held until the beginning of September. (…)
- The ReDUS online platform developed by the project now has 7000 members and new functionalities. (
Latest Update:
Further links
- Publication: Volume C - Collaborative Processes (POR)
- Publication: Volume D - National Agenda for Sustainable Urban Development (POR)
- Publication: Volume A - Local collaborations (POR)
- Publication: Volume B - Climate and the environment (POR)
- Report: Smart cities and personal data: Recommendations and best practices (POR)
- Guide: "Guide for the Implementation of the Brazilian Smart Cities Charter" (POR)
- Guide: "Guide for the preparation and revision of urban master plans." (POR)
- Video: Project ANDUS: Planting seeds for a future with more sustainable cities (POR)
- Report: Annual Report 2022 of the Network for Sustainable Urban Development - ReDUS (POR)
- ReDUS - Exchange and Knowledge Platform (POR)
Project relations
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