
Brazil: priority country and key partner for climate action

A group of twelve people poses in a modern, green interior space. They wear a mix of formal suits and casual outfits. Plants and lamps in the background give the room a cozy atmosphere.
Anja Hajduk in dialogue with representatives of Brazil's climate start-up scene.

BMWK State Secretary Anja Hajduk has visited Brazil to learn out about Germany’s contribution to climate change mitigation and energy efficiency in the country.

As one of the priority countries for the International Climate Initiative (IKI), Brazil is a key partner for global climate change mitigation. Current IKI projects cover all four IKI funding areas, with a total volume of ongoing projects amounting to more than EUR 43 million. The projects support Brazil’s efforts in relation to the green transition and global climate change mitigation. Cooperation with Germany and the support from the IKI play a decisive role in this context.

Anja Hajduk, State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), recently travelled to Brazil to learn more about Germany’s contribution to climate change mitigation and energy efficiency, also visiting projects supported by the IKI. The trip was organised by the IKI interface project in Brazil.

Anja Hajduk visits energy efficiency project supported by the IKI

A woman and a man smile at the camera while holding an award together. The woman is wearing headphones around her neck. Another person claps in the background.
Anja Hajduk awards the first energy efficiency certificate to the CEO of Hausthene, Paulo Tezza.

A highlight of the visit was the presentation of an energy efficiency certificate to the CEO of the Brazilian company Hausthene. The Mitigation Action Facility funded by the German government through the IKI supports small and medium enterprise (SME) manufacturers like Hausthene in their efforts to implement energy efficiency measures through the ‘Transformative Investments for Industrial Energy Efficiency (PotencializEE)’ project. Energy efficiency measures not only contribute to climate change mitigation but also work to boost competitiveness. Thanks to the technical support provided, Hausthene has been able to make investments totalling more than EUR 100,000, helping to mitigate emissions by 497 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

São Paulo is home to the largest number of German companies in Latin America. The PotencializEE project is working with the manufacturers’ association to advise its members on how to improve competitiveness. Making production in Brazilian SMEs more efficient is not only good for the climate, it also helps German companies to keep their costs down on the input supply side. It also creates new markets for German manufacturing equipment.

State Secretary Anja Hajduk also met up with representatives of German companies operating in Brazil and the São Paulo Chamber of Commerce Abroad (AHK). Presentations were givmade en on German flagship projects in the fields of energy, sustainability and innovation, as well as projects and activities from AHK São Paulo in the fields of green hydrogen, industrial decarbonisation, professional development and inclusion, as well as innovation and start-up funding. The Q&A session that followed focused on the importance of climate change for Brazilian companies, the development of green tech and the impacts of future technologies in Brazil.

During her trip, Anja Hajduk also visited the AYA Hub São Paulo climate start-up centre to learn more about innovative business models and the Brazilian ecosystem for promoting innovation in climate change mitigation. The support that the IKI plans to provide to start-ups with a climate change mitigation business model not only helps to tackle climate change, but can also use knowledge transfer to strengthen the power to innovate in both Brazil and Germany. By leveraging local funding, the IKI also strengthens the private sector’s commitment to global climate change mitigation.

IKI helps with climate risk analysis for deep-water port Santos

A woman with glasses and an apricot-coloured shirt points out something. In front of here is a harbour model with small ships
Anja Hajduk visits partners of the IKI project ProAdapta at the Santos harbour authority.

During her visit to partners of the IKI-funded ProAdapta project at the Port Authority of Santos – Latin America’s largest deep-water port – Anja Hajduk discussed ways to bring environment and society together to achieve integrated climate action.

Thanks to the support provided by the IKI for the climate risk analysis, the port authority is aligning its business strategy with climate risks and socio-ecological aspects. Many companies operating at the port are involved. Another topic raised was the reduction of emissions in maritime shipping (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism), which is relevant for German businesses. This pilot initiative, coordinated with the help of the Brazilian National Secretariat of Waterways and Ports, will be expanded to the 16 largest deep-water ports in Brazil. Increasing the climate resilience of these ports will provide greater security of supply in international trade for both Brazil and Germany. Lower levels of emissions in the supply chains, to be achieved through local mitigation measures in Brazil, will enhance the competitiveness of German companies.

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IKI priority country Brazil

Everything important about IKI activities can be found on the overview page for the focus country Brazil.

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