Supporting Brazil in implementing its national agenda for adaptation to climate change (ProAdapta)
Brazil has adopted a national agenda of adaption to the consequences of climate change. The project contributes to the effective implementation of the agenda, through support to the main political instruments, NDC and NAP, in addition to strengthening the coordination function of the Brazilian Ministry of Environment and Climate Change MMA. It further strengthens the capabilities of key actors in selected infrastructure sectors, states, and municipalities. This allows them to implement regulations and instruments to manage climate risks and implement adaptation measures, including EbA solutions. In addition, the project promotes partnerships between the private sector, governments, and civil society, to increase climate resilience through awareness-raising and joint implementation of adaptation strategies. The learning experiences of the project are disseminated both nationally and internationally.
- Countries
- Brazil
- IKI funding
- 7,000,000.00 €
- Duration
- 08/2017 till 03/2025
- Status
- open
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA) - Brazil
- Implementing Partner
- Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection
- Environment Secretariat Santos (SEMAM)
- Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) - Brazil
- Ministry of Transport - Brazil
- National Institute for Space Research (INPE) - Brazil
- National Water Transport Agency (ANTAQ)
- Secretariat for the Environment, Infrastructure and Logistics São Paulo (SEMIL)
- United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
State of implementation/results
- In cooperation with the Ministry of Transport (MT), its guidelines and sustainability agenda were revised, and the project study on AdaptaVias (climate adaptation of roads and railroads) was integrated into the MT's strategic planning.…
- Together with the São Paulo State Environment Secretariat, the development of a state adaptation plan and the scaling up of municipal climate adaptation plans is being promoted. This will be supported by the creation of an e-learning course that will be available to all municipalities in Brazil from 2025.
- In collaboration with the waterways agency ANTAQ, the initiative “Strengthening port-city relations to promote climate resilience” was launched, with the first working meetings already taking place.
- Support for the Ministry of Environment (MMA) and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) in the organization of meetings of the Temporary Working Group on Adaptation (GTT Adaptação) and the technical-scientific coordination of the elaboration of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP). The strategy for the preparation of the Brazilian NAP includes engagement measures for 16 prioritized sectors and topics as well as technical support through workshops.
- Events with over 600 participants were held as part of the preparation of the national climate plan. Topics included climate federalism with representatives of the federal states and climate adaptation with civil society and at a business forum. In addition, contributions to the climate adaptation plan were actively collected and events organized by other stakeholders were supported. Link to the economic forum where contributions to the NAP were formulated:…
- The Viva Água Guanabara movement is supported by a broad network, including the private sector, the state government of Rio de Janeiro, municipalities and civil society. Together with institutions such as Fundação Grupo Boticário, FIRJAN and SEAS-RJ, a work plan was drawn up to promote resilience and climate risk management in Guanabara Bay. Implementation started in 2024 and three regional companies participated in a training cycle. A territorial adaptation strategy for the bay is to be finalized by the end of the year.
- A capacity building strategy for consulting companies was developed to improve the quality of climate-related services. Over 600 interested parties applied, 24 were selected.
Latest Update:
Further links
- Adaptabrasil Portal (BRA)
- Climate projection portal (BRA)
- Factsheet: Brazil-Germany Climate Cooperation Initiative: Joint Initiatives for Adaptation to Climate Change in Brazil
- Study "Impacts and Risks of Climate Change in Brazilian Ports: Results of the ANTAQ-GIZ Partnership (port.)
- Guidelines for conducting climate risk assessments and adaptation measures for port infrastructures (port.)
- New, revised version of the guidelines for the preparation of climate adaptation and resilience plans by municipalities and regions, State of São Paulo (port.)
- Adaptability and resilience index and selection of municipalities (port.)
- Video 1 on sustainability and climate-resilient planning from the Ministry of Infrastructure
- Video 2 on sustainability and climate-resilient planning from the Ministry of Infrastructure.
- Video by the National Authority for Waterway Transport (Antaq) on sustainable and climate-resilient port planning.
- Report on the analysis of climate risks and adaptation options for port infrastructure (summary of the results for the port of Aratu)
- Video about ProAdapta's contributions to the Viva Água movement.
- Factsheet 1 on the collaboration between ProAdapta and the "Movimento Viva Água" to analyze climate risks in three private-sector companies
- Factsheet 2 on the collaboration between ProAdapta and the "Movimento Viva Água" to analyze climate risks in three private-sector companies
- Factsheet 3 on the collaboration between ProAdapta and the "Movimento Viva Água" to analyze climate risks in three private-sector companies
- Publication on "Nature-based solutions and their role in climate resilience, water security and local income generation"
Project relations
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