Commitment to Climate Action in Vietnam

IKI workshop provides insights into the country´s pathway to net-zero emissions.
The project “Support to Viet Nam for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement” (SIPA), serving as an interface for all International Climate Initiative (IKI) projects in Viet Nam, hosted a workshop under the overarching topic: Vietnam’s pathway to net-zero emissions by 2050, climate-resilient and nature-positive development.
The aim of the event was to create a platform for knowledge transfer and exchange on shared challenges, synergies and the scaling-up of potential IKI projects among participants (namely the IKI implementing organisations, Vietnamese partners and representatives of donors).
The commitment of the Vietnamese Prime Minister to reach carbon neutrality by 2050, announced during COP26 set an inspiring background for the workshop.
In recognition and support of this commitment, Mr. Weert Boerner, Deputy Head of Mission at the German Embassy said, “On behalf of the German Government, let me express my highest appreciation to the Vietnamese government for the decision to pursue a climate neutrality path for Vietnam. Apart from the net-zero announcement made at COP26, we also very much welcome Vietnam’s further commitments to phase out coal-fuelled power generation by the end of the 2040s, to reduce methane emissions by 30% by 2030 and to stop deforestation by 2030.”
IKI´s project work in Vietnam
The IKI is currently funding 39 bilateral, regional and global projects in Vietnam, 7 of which are bilateral projects with a volume of 24.3 million euros.
“Within the IKI, Vietnam is one of our priority countries, and we are very grateful for our good, trusting and long-standing cooperation with them,” said Philipp Behrens, Head of Division “International Climate Initiative (IKI), General issues of bilateral cooperation”, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Germany.

Representatives from the Vietnamese Ministries, namely: the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Transport, and the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Agency also shared insights on the first steps taken by the government so far after COP26, as well as the road ahead toward a net-zero future for Vietnam.
“We look forward to the long-term support from the German Government and IKI specifically for our pathway towards a net-zero, climate-resilient and nature-positive future for Vietnam,” said Mr. Pham Van Tan, Deputy Director General, Department of Climate Change, MONRE, Vietnam.
Attention was also paid to biodiversity and resource efficiency for a climate-resilient and nature-positive development.
The Workshop continued on the second day with a visit to a number of project fields by the German delegation.
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