Living Lakes - Strategies to protect the biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems
Protection and restoration of lakes, wetlands, and associated landscapes is crucial to halt biodiversity loss and combat climate change. Eleven partners from ten countries in the Living Lakes Network will focus on capacity development for key actors involved in the use and management of the lakes. Local authorities, regional administrations and civil society will improve knowledge to reduce negative impacts of agriculture, fisheries and tourism and to manage lakes better. The partners will develop innovative techniques e.g. in wastewater treatment, renaturation of lake landscapes, management of invasive species, and biodiversity-friendly agriculture as "Frontrunner Initiatives". Experiences in the implementation of these projects are disseminated at regional, national and global level in order to achieve improved implementation of lake protection laws and management plans, the strengthening of non-governmental organisations and their participation in stakeholder consultations.
- Countries
- Cambodia, Colombia, India, Malawi, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, Sri Lanka
- IKI funding
- 8,086,799.00 €
- Included preparation phase
- 45,270.00 €
- Duration
- 08/2022 till 08/2027
- Status
- open
- Implementing organisation
- Global Nature Fund (GNF)
- Political Partner
- Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) - Philippines
- Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) - South Africa
- Ministry of Agricultural Development and Irrigation, MIDAGRI
- Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - Cambodia
- Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) - India
- Ministry of Environment (MoE) - Cambodia
- Ministry of Environment - Sri Lanka
- Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MinAmbiente) - Colombia
- Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Environment - Malawi
- Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
- State Government of Jalisco - Mexico
- Implementing Partner
- Action for Environmental Sustainability (AfES)
- Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS)
- Autoridad Binacional del Lago Titicaca (ALT)
- EMACE Foundation of Sri Lanka
- Fisheries Action Coalition Team (FACT)
- Fundación Global Nature (FGN)
- Fundación Humedales (FH)
- Institute Corazon de la Tierra (ICT)
- Lake Constance Foundation (LCF)
- Nagenahiru Foundation (NF)
- Nature Environment & Wildlife Society (NEWS)
- Society for the Conservation of Philippine Wetlands, Inc. (SCPW)
State of implementation/results
- Over 5,200 farmers and fishermen have participated in capacity exchange workshops on sustainable fisheries and agriculture in ten countries.
- Over 3,400 people responsible for lake management at governmental, administrative and NGO level have participated in training programmes.
- Eleven pioneer initiatives in the implementing countries are demonstrating innovative nature-based solutions and approaches to better manage freshwater resources, reduce the serious impacts of human activities on lakes and move towards integrated lake management.
- To date, 26 young lake managers have completed a traineeship and some have been taken on by the implementing partners in the project team or have been given other professional opportunities.
- The Global Nature Fund, together with the University of Applied Sciences Trier, has launched the Living Lakes Academy (LLA). After the first year, 13 young lake managers have already fulfilled the criteria and received a certificate.
- Over 380 people took part in the first six LLA webinars and improved their knowledge of various aspects of lake and wetland management, limnology, international cooperation and NGO management.
- The project has been present on social media since the beginning. A new LinkedIn account (@livinglakesnetzwerk) has been set up to reach experts even more effectively. 200,000 people have already been reached through our own media.
- The GNF has concluded its first co-operation agreement with Youth Enganged in Wetlands. The project will support the Ramsar Youth Working Group in terms of infrastructure by hosting the website. This cooperation is to be further expanded with other stakeholders in connection with the LLA.
- In September 2024, the LLBCP organised the third Sustainability Leadership Journey in St. Lucia/Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa. 60 junior and senior lake managers were trained and exchanged perspectives, approaches and experiences.
Latest Update:
Further links
- Twitter Account
- Facebook page of the project
- Instagram Account
- Video: 16th Living Lakes Conference - GNF interview with Nature Environment and Wildlife Society (NEWS)
- Video: 16th Living Lakes Conference - GNF interview with WILDTRUST
- Video: 16th Living Lakes Conference - GNF interview with Action for Environmental Sustainability (AfES)
- Video: iSimangaliso Wetland Park
- Video: Deepor Beel
- Presentations of the 16th Living Lakes Conference
- Side Event UN Water Conference, 24.03.20232023
- Press release 28.02.2023: Ten Countries, One Goal: New Project of Global Nature Fund and Living Lakes Protects Biodiversity around the Globe
Project relations
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