Bangalore startup turns garbage into gas

Bangalore was once famed as the Garden City of India for its hundreds of lakes and lush green gardens. But, over the decades, it has become known as "India's Silicon Valley," spurring unchecked growth and urban sprawl. The city's trash collection services have failed to cope and Bangalore now has a new nickname — "garbage city."
Carbon Masters is a startup that's trying to reduce the amount of waste heading out of Bangalore to overflowing landfills. They've joined up with local authorities and residents to collect and convert kitchen waste into biogas. The fuel is sold to local restaurants, IT parks and corporate campuses. That's helping to displace conventional fossil fuels used in cooking and reduce methane emissions from landfills, as well as to keep the city cleaner.
A film by Sonia Phalnikar
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07:01 Minutes
Date of publication
Global Ideas

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