IKI communication the easy way!

The Interface Project Peru organised a writing workshop for the IKI projects in the country.
"Actually, writing hardly differs from speaking". César Bedón, specialist for written communication at the school for creative writing "Machucabotones", opened the writing workshop for IKI projects in Peru with this phrase.
Together with his colleague Leslie Guevara, he provided the participants with hints and ideas to improve their writing skills.
The workshop had been organised by the IKI interface project in Peru. One aim of the event was to motivate the participants to write articles about their project work for the Peruvian IKI website and the Intranet, both of which are running under the interface project.
In addition, this practically oriented workshop, which took place as a personally attended event, was highly interactive. It therefore also helped the participants to establish contact with each other and exchange information about their work in the IKI projects.
A total of 20 employees working on 12 IKI projects in Peru took part in the writing workshop. Georg Schmid, head of the Peru interface project, was delighted with the positive feedback from the workshop: "Our IKI website is an important tool for making the project work externally visible. Since we launched this communication channel about two years ago, the number of visits to our website has been increasing constantly. I hope that our workshop will help us to keep publishing exciting information from the IKI projects."
Impressions from the writing workshop

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