NDC Peru: support to the implementation of the National Climate Change Strategy
The Ministry of Environment (MINAM) coordinates the technical and political implementation of Peru’s NDC. Peru aims at a 30% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (40% with international support) until 2030 and increased capacities for adaptation. In the context of this project, MINAM was strengthened in its coordinating role. Priority elements for this purpose were the creation of institutional arrangements for the coordinated implementation of the NDC at national and subnational level, the support to sector ministries and subnational governments to improve the enabling conditions for the NDC implementation, as well as the establishment of a transparency framework for mitigation (MRV) and adaptation (M&E) measures. A special focus was strengthening the role of indigenous organizations regarding the implementation of NDC measures. Project results and experiences were shared in international NDC forums. The project assumed the role of the IKI interface project in Peru.
- Countries
- Peru
- IKI funding
- 6,400,000.00 €
- Duration
- 01/2019 till 02/2024
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Ministry of Environment (MINAM) - Peru
- Implementing Partner
- Ministry of Environment (MINAM) - Peru
State of implementation/results
- Project completed.
- Developments in the forestry sector:
- Mitigation Measure "Commer-cial Use of Forest Land":
- (1) Guidance and fact sheet for preparing logging inventories on small forest plantations or agroforestry systems (repositorio.serfor.gob.pe/…).
- Developments in the energy sector:
- Mitigation Measures "Energy Audits in the Public Sector":
- (1) Adoption of type approval forms for energy facilities by the Ministry of Energy and Mines (www.gob.pe/…).
- Mitigation Measures "Energy Audits in the Public Sector" and "Energy Efficiency Labeling":
- (2) 2023 work plan of two national technical com-mittees on energy efficiency are public, which are part of the 2023 stand-ardization program of the National Institute of Quality (www.inacal.gob.pe/…).
- Mitigation Measures "Residential Lighting Supply Transformation," "En-ergy Efficiency Labeling," and "Replacing Low-Efficiency Lamps with LED Lamps in the Public Sector."
- (3) Regulatory instrument for Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) of household lighting. This instru-ment is in the pre-publication phase at national (www.gob.pe/…) as well as international (extranet.comunidadandina.org/…) (members.wto.org/…) level.
- Mitigation measures "Energy audits in the public sector":
- (4) Prepara-tion of a proposal for the explanatory memorandum and accompanying report to update Ministerial Resolution N°186 on energy audits.
- Mitigation Measures "Energy Audits in the Public Sector":
- Mitigation Measure "Commer-cial Use of Forest Land":
- Publication of the "National Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2019". Peru's net emissions in 2019 were approximately 210.4 MtCO2eq. The Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector proved to be the largest emitter, contributing 47.90% of the country's total greenhouse gas emis-sions (infocarbono.minam.gob.pe/…).
- 07/2023, the last meeting of the Steering Committee of the project was held. The meeting was attended by the Vice-Minister of Strategic Devel-opment of Natural Resources of the Peruvian Ministry of Environment (MINAM), the Vice-Minister of Agrarian Development Policy and Control, as well as the Head of the General Department of Energy Efficiency of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM).
- The course "Intercultural Approach to Environmental Management" for officials of the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) was held in 08/2023. The theoretical-practical course was conducted in coordination with the Gen-eral Department of Human Resources. The aim was to deepen the under-standing of the intercultural approach and to promote its application in the ongoing measures in the environmental sector.
- 03/2023 the "Fifth IKI Networking Workshop Peru 2023" was held to promote communication and synergies between IKI projects in Peru (ikiperu.com/…). Representatives of the BMWK, BMUV and ZUG participated in the workshop on site, while the AA joined virtually.
- The website IKI Peru (www.ikiperu.com) is continuously updated with information on events, documents and news on ongoing IKI projects in Peru. In addition, the website also offers an intranet with a knowledge management system.
Latest Update:
Further links
- Video: Platform of Indigenous Peoples to face Climate Change (ES)
- Regulatory instrument for minimum energy efficiency standards (Minimum Energy Performance Standard - MEPS) for household lighting. (ES)
- Report: National greenhouse gas inventory for the year 2019. (ES)
- Article: Fifth IKI Networking Workshop Perú 2023 (ES)
- Guide and fact sheet for the preparation of inventories in small forest plantations or in agroforestry systems for logging. (ES)
- Homologation plan of the Ministry of Energy and Mines for the year 2023 (ES)
- Regulatory instrument for minimum energy efficiency standards (Minimum Energy Performance Standard - MEPS) for household lighting. (ES)
- Work plan 2023 of two national technical committees for energy efficiency (ES)
Project relations
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