Supporting the design and first implementation steps of the new global framework for biological diversity
In 2022, the 15th Conference of the Parties to the CBD decided on the new global framework for biodiversity after 2020. The BioFrame-project supported partner countries in the design and first steps of implementation of the new global framework. To this end, it helped the project partners to prepare for the CBD COP 15, promoted integrated approaches to biodiversity conservation and climate change and identified funding instruments for the implementation of the goals of the new biodiversity framework. It also provided advice on topics such as nature-based solutions for climate and biodiversity conservation. As part of the Corona Response Package, the project developed an approach to integrate biodiversity into the plans and measures to stimulate economic growth. A further focus was on raising awareness among the public and non-governmental sectors and other relevant actors for the link between biodiversity, climate, health and green economic recovery.
- Countries
- Costa Rica, Indonesia, South Africa
- IKI funding
- 5,200,000.00 €
- Duration
- 12/2019 till 04/2024
- Status
- completed
- Implementing organisation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Political Partner
- Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) - South Africa
- Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) - Costa Rica
- State Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) - Indonesia
- Implementing Partner
- Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH (UFZ)
State of implementation/results
- Project completed.
- In cooperation with the IKI Support project “Support to the Paris Agreement” (SPA), IISD and UFZ, six issue papers on synergies between biodiversity and climate frameworks were prepared (…).
- An analysis of existing matchmaking mechanisms for the implementation of climate and biodiversity goals was prepared with UFZ.
- The results of the study "Assessing the potential of non-timber forest products (NHWP) for nature positive recovery in Georgia" were shared and discussed with policy makers at a workshop on NHWP value chains on 5.12.22 and the revision of agricultural subsidies for better consideration of biodiversity aspects was considered.
- Public outreach events with input from the project:
- An exhibition with photos from IKI projects worldwide (…) on the 23 goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) was implemented. The exhibition was launched on the International Biodiversity Day by Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke and and has since been shown on various occasions (e.g. Open Day of the Federal Government 2023, 10th IPBES Plenum).
- 15.12.2022: Joint side event at CBD COP 15 with SwedBio, CBD IISD, FEBA on strengthening synergies through action on climate, biodiversity and sustainable development, including presentation of Technical Brief.
- Pilot activities on biodiversity-enhancing recovery measures were completed in three partner countries with the following results:
- Costa Rica: 27 actors (18 women, 9 men) from 16 non-governmental organisations, business and administration were trained on nature-positive economic development in urban and peri-urban areas. In a subsequent ideas competition, five small-scale projects in the capital San José were selected to be supported by the project. Public-private partnerships were established for the continuation of the five Green Recovery pilot projects and their business models. Eight hectares were positively impacted (e.g. through the reforestation of biological corridors) and 41 women improved their income by (e.g.) processing composted soil and improving their capacity to market honey.
- Indonesia: In September 2023, a training course was held to develop business plans for better marketing of tengkawang nuts. The communities' capacity to identify tengkawang potential was strengthened and they were supported in formulating business strategies. At a meeting of the Tengkawang Network, management experiences were shared and a joint action plan for the upcoming harvest was drawn up. A final workshop was held in December 2023, in which stakeholders exchanged experiences and challenges.
- South Africa: The study on the prioritization of coastal ecosystems with recommendations for the implementation of restoration measures was completed. Five trainings on capacity development of climate change initiatives in South African coastal areas were conducted. The results were presented and discussed at a hybrid workshop on 24.11.2023.
- In Indonesia the project supported the Indonesian Ministry of Planning in the revision of the Indonesian National Biodiversity Strategy (IBSAP) and provides advice in particular on the objectives and indicators of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). An analysis of the indicators was carried out to support the selection and prioritization of national indicators and to align them with the GBF monitoring framework's headline indicators. The results were presented to national stakeholders at an indicator workshop in February 2024.
- In Mexico, the Central Bank of Mexico held a conference on financing communities for biodiversity conservation and restoration in collaboration with partner organizations on June 7-8, 2023. Key stakeholders discussed financial needs of local communities, among other topics. (…).
- In Costa Rica, a dialogue process "From Agreement to Implementation: Restoring Biodiversity from a Women's Perspective" was conducted with women rangers and community representatives in May 2023 in collaboration with the IKI Interface Project. The results contribute to GBF Goal 23 and will be considered in the update of the NBSAP. (…).
Latest Update:
Further links
- Video: PreCOP Biodiversity 2021
- Video message by the Federal Environment Minister on UN World Biodiversity Day 2020
- Press release: Flasbarth calls for more financial support for biodiversity conservation
- Press release: National dialogue on the conservation of global biodiversity at the Federal Environment Ministry
- IKI thematic page: Build forward better
- Factsheet zu Pilotaktivitäten Costa Rica
- Factsheet zu Pilotaktivitäten Südafrika
- Foto exhibition on the 23 targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework (DE)
- Factsheet zu Pilotaktivitäten Indonesien
- Green Recovery for Practitioners
- Fiscal Policies for a Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Transformation
- Green Recovery for Practitioners
- NAP Supplementary Guideline &Technical Brief zu Förderung von Synergien zwischen Anpassung an den Klimawandel und biologischer Vielfalt im Rahmen der NAP- und NBSAP-Prozesse des UNFCCC Nairobi Work Programmes
- Publikationen zu Naturpositiver Recovery
- Video: NDC Partnership Webinar “Planning and implementing NBS in nationally determined contributions (NDCs)”
Project relations
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